Unlock the
full potential of
GA4 in just 21 days

Not getting what you want out of GA4? You’re not alone. GA4 is powerful when set up correctly, but it requires technical expertise. That’s where we come in.

  • 150-point audit
  • 21-day delivery guarantee
  • Precise plans & instructions

Proven success with marketers in Lead Gen and SaaS

Imagine what you could do
if GA4 told you everything
you needed to know about
your customers

Detailed setup plans

Struggling with the complex setup and customization?

We provide detailed setup plans so you can skip the countless hours of trial and error.

Precise tags

Hard to attribute marketing efforts with GA4’s new data model?

We deliver precise tags, data integration, and custom report instructions for accurate marketing attribution.


Frustrated by the lack of out-of-the-box reporting?

We show you how to set up funnels that map to your customer journey.

Domain Configuration

Overwhelmed by cross-domain tracking and data integration?

We help you integrate GA4 with your domain configuration and CRM for a unified view.

All it takes is 21 days to
perfectly configure GA4
for your business

Discovery session

Discovery session

We’ll get to know your business, analytics goals, and any special requirements you have.

Implementation improvements

Implementation improvements

Next, we’ll identify key gaps and areas for improvement complete with a comprehensive scorecard.

Tag & measurement recommendations

Tag & measurement recommendations

Then, we’ll help you close the gaps and document all the tags, triggers, and variables needed to optimize how every datapoint 
is tracked.

Personalized review

Personalized review

Finally, we’ll walk you through the entire audit in detail and answer any questions you have so you can walk away with a custom-tailored, optimized account.

A proven and perfected
process developed with top
SaaS and B2B companies

Optimizing B2B funnels 
since 2013
Funnel logo

Optimizing B2B funnels
since 2013

With over a decade of expertise in Conversion Rate Optimization, we’ve run thousands of experiments on websites, lead generation forms, and onboarding flows. We focus on building sustainable growth systems based on experimentation, attribution, and automation. Our clients partner with us for the long haul, averaging over three years. With expertise in JavaScript, Python, and SQL, we can work seamlessly with your technical teams, bridging the gap between marketing and technical execution.

FunnelEnvy did an amazing job translating our business goals into action and performance. They take care of every step of the process, from ideation to content creation, and strategy to execution. I would recommend them to any company that’s trying to scale their business and grow their digital revenue.

Annie Yu Head of Web Growth, Box

You’ll wonder why you
didn’t do this sooner

What you get

  • Access to GA4 and lead generation experts
  • Comprehensive 150-item audit including account structure, data streams, events, and privacy settings
  • Custom measurement plan and tag implementation plan
  • Upgraded reporting, funnel analysis, and customer insights
  • Privacy compliance and best practices

$20,000+ in value

What you pay

$2,000 for a limited time

25% upfront audit fee ($500)

Request Your GA4 Audit Now


Some commonly asked questions about our GA4 Audit

  • Who is this GA4 Audit for, and what does it cover?
    This audit is perfect for Lead Gen and SaaS companies that have transitioned from Universal Analytics to GA4 and face challenges with configurations or visibility into customer journeys. It covers over 150 items, including account structure, data streams, events, conversions, and privacy settings, delivering a scorecard with actionable recommendations tailored to your business.
  • What are the benefits of a GA4 Audit?
    A properly configured GA4 setup unlocks granular data and deeper insights into customer behavior. This means better visibility into your customer journey, improved lead quality, and more effective marketing campaigns.
  • How does FunnelEnvy tailor GA4 to my business?
    We assess your unique needs, including multiple websites and specific business goals, to recommend the best GA4 setup. We customize measurement plans and reports to focus on the most relevant metrics and insights for your business.
  • Can FunnelEnvy ensure my GA4 setup is privacy-compliant?
    Yes, our audit includes a thorough review to align your GA4 setup with data privacy regulations, ensuring your analytics are both effective and compliant.
  • What happens after the GA4 Audit?
    After the audit, we’ll review the findings with you, provide a detailed measurement plan and tag implementation strategy, and offer a review session to ensure you understand the recommendations. If you choose to move forward, we can implement the changes, with the audit cost credited towards our services.

Get the insights you’ve
been missing out on

Our experts will review account structure, data streams, events, conversions, and privacy settings, to deliver an actionable plan that finally gets you what you need out of GA4.

  • If you’re not happy at any point during the 21 day period, we’ll refund the fees paid. No questions asked.
  • If you hire us to implement the recommendations, we’ll apply the audit cost towards the cost of services.