We’ve devoted several posts on this blog to discussions of landing pages and their importance within the broader context of your digital marketing. It’s no exaggeration to say that a landing page can make or break your funnel. Even if other elements are well-optimized and you have a great offer that adds value for prospects, a bad landing page can significantly constrain your results.

Too often, we think about landing pages in the abstract. They’re mentioned in passing as if every marketer should know how to construct a landing page by instinct. 

Unfortunately, real-world funnels aren’t that simple. Like any complex system, a landing page is only as good as its parts. The specific things you put on a landing page can vary based on the offer, your industry, and the people you want to attract. However, we’ve found that every landing page needs the below four elements in one form or another. Remember to view these tips in the context of your specific funnel and target audience.

Concise, Usable Forms

During many B2B funnel transactions, you will need to collect data from the user to take them further down the funnel. These efforts can be limited or stifled by forms that are difficult to use or unclear to the audience. Ideally, users shouldn’t need to think about forms; they should blend seamlessly into the broader landing page experience.

What exactly makes a good form? HubSpot has created a helpful list of tips, including:

  • Single-column design: According to design research, it’s easier for the eye to follow and progress through one column of text and fields. It can also feel overwhelming to be presented with two columns full of text and form fields.
  • Go from easy to hard: Putting a few simple questions at the front of a longer form will help reinforce the feeling of progress. Doing this makes visitors less likely to bounce while filling out your form, since they’ll feel they’ve already made tangible steps to finishing.
  • Validate entries immediately: If someone provides an invalid response to a form field – like an email address with no domain – make sure the form alerts them directly. They should not need to wait until they try to submit the form to notice and then work backward through it to identify the error. 

Succinct Copy

We’ve all met someone who loves nothing more than talking about themselves. Every topic concerns what’s happening in the person’s life with little care for those around them.

No one wants to hear you wax poetic on a landing page: they simply want to know how your offer is relevant to them and what they stand to gain. Share on X

The digital marketing equivalent of this is a landing page with tons of elaborate sentences and flowery phrasing about the greatness of a product or service. No one wants to hear you wax poetic on a landing page: they simply want to know how your offer is relevant to them and what they stand to gain. 

That’s not to say long-form landing pages don’t work. Many B2B and B2C marketers have found success with longer, narrative-style landing pages, especially when selling a relatively new product or dealing with an audience that needs plenty of information before making a business decision.

But there’s a clear distinction between a long-form landing page and a page with too much text. Long-term testing will help you pinpoint an exact balance, but in the short term, you can reach out to trusted clients or colleagues to get quick feedback about your landing page copy. You can also use helpful online tools like the Hemingway App to see if you can make your writing more straightforward.

Social Proof

The power of social proof is well-documented and based on a simple psychological principle: people place a lot of weight on the words and experiences of others like them. Seeing that another person had a positive experience can go a long way toward convincing a prospect that your offering is right for them.

Like other parts of a landing page, the specific way you present social proof depends on the nature of the funnel and your audience. Some might like to see a talking-head-style video of a client like them speaking firsthand about how great their experience was. Others may want to look at hard data, like an ROI experienced by your previous clients.

Two quick tips for social proof: don’t go overboard. Many people are suspicious of things they see on pages designed to get them to buy or commit to something. Even if it’s true, an over-the-top client testimonial may appear inauthentic. Second, remember to offer external validation of the people you include on your testimonial page. A social profile or company website link can help visitors believe in what you’re showing.

A Multimedia Element

In 2023, “multimedia” can be defined in several ways. It could be a video, chart, graphic, animation, or even a lovely photograph depending on the specific nature of your offering and the people visiting the page. Multimedia is essential as a way to break up text on your page. It’s also valuable for visitors who may be using a mobile device or tablet and can’t spend a lot of time reading and processing text on a page.

Videos are popular for a landing page because they are easy to produce – all you need is a phone – and engaging for visitors on any device. According to marketing expert Neil Patel, it’s helpful to incorporate the video in the design of the rest of your page and track the video’s analytics closely to see how often it’s being viewed and for how long.

Final Thoughts on Key Landing Page Elements

It’s easy to conceptualize theories about landing pages and discuss ideas about what may or may not work. But for marketers who want to maximize their results, the only way to know what will lead to success is by trying and measuring different options to see which resonates most with your audience.

And remember: changes to your landing page elements or overarching strategy shouldn’t be static items you address whenever you get the time. It’s important to stay committed to frequent assessments of the success of your entire funnel, including landing page elements. By including concise copy, highly usable forms, social proof, and multimedia, you’ll be well on your way to constructing a successful funnel that drives your desired business results.

Looking for a hand with these four items or any other parts of building a landing page? Our team of specialists can help. We have many years of history assisting clients in different industries with their landing page needs. Whether you want a partner who can work with you to build a plan from the ground up or you’d simply like another set of eyes on the various components of your landing page, FunnelEnvy is ready to assist. Click here to fill out a short quiz to learn more about how we can help.