The One Metric That Smart Investors Are Obsessed with. And You Should Be Too.
I recently came across an insanely great article by Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital – Conversion: The Most Important Internet Metric of All. In it he asserts that when considering the tradeoff between customer acquisition and customer optimization, the [...]
How to Improve Social Media Conversions with Customized Landing Pages
When someone visits your Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Google+ or Instagram profile what do they do next? Speaking for myself – and I’m sure I’m not alone – if someone looks remotely interesting then I’ll click [...]
The Secret to Creating an Irresistible Email Opt-In Form
You can’t run a sustainable business on impulse buyers. That might seem obvious, but many businesses don’t apply that knowledge on their websites. They neglect all the people who are interested, but not interested enough to [...]
41 Resources to Help You Write High-Converting Copy
Which is more important when optimizing for conversions: design or copy? It’s a trick question. Neither is necessarily more important. Both conversion-oriented design and compelling copywriting are critical, and both can dramatically increase your conversions. [...]
How to Practice (Google) Safe A/B Testing
Is A/B Testing allowed by Google? Am I going to get penalized in search results? These questions seem to come up often, so I thought I’d sum up the latest information, both from Google’s own [...]
Do You Make These 7 Conversion-Killing Mistakes?
It takes time, effort, and money to drive traffic to your website, and it’s all wasted unless you can turn that traffic into paying customers. Are you converting as many customers as you hope? If [...]
How to Give Web Users What They Want
Want to know the secret of great conversions? It’s giving your visitors what they want when they come to your site. If you don’t, they leave. But how do you know exactly what they want [...]
How to deal with (not provided) for Conversion Optimization
As has been well documented in the SEO blogs, we’re rapidly approaching the day where 100% of the organic keyword search terms in Google Analytics will be (not provided). Google does not provide keywords for searches over SSL, [...]
8 Questions Analytics Data Can Answer About Your Customers
You’re never going to grow your online business and improve conversions unless you use analytics. Back in the old days, the owner of a mom-and-pop store knew who was coming through the door, who’d sent [...]
The Best Strategy to Improve Online Conversions and Engagement
During a 2008 presidential debate, Republican John McCain questioned Democratic nominee Barack Obama’s understanding of strategy vs tactics. The strategy that McCain tried to employ throughout the campaign was to undermine his opponent by questioning his youth [...]