The Case for Testing: The Science of Conversion Rate Optimization
Harvard Business School professor Sunil Gupta and co-authors released a paper exploring “Do Display Ads Influence Search: Attribution and Influence in Online Advertising.” The questions driving the study were straightforward. First, do display ads make a difference in moving buyers along the sales funnel? Second, if yes, then how much of a difference do they make and for how long?
Most online marketing professionals read the above and immediately form an opinion. “Yes, of course,” you’re saying, based on years of personal experience in the industry. Or perhaps your response is “No, not in the case of industry X or Y,” based on a very specific anecdotal case you worked on.
But before we dive into the answer, and why it matters to conversion optimization testing, let’s explore a different question. What are the chances that your gut reaction answer is right – not just to this specific line of inquiry in online marketing, but how you make decisions about your business in general and in your understanding of how your customers make buying decisions?