The Best Strategy to Improve Online Conversions and Engagement

During a 2008 presidential debate, Republican John McCain questioned Democratic nominee Barack Obama’s understanding of strategy vs tactics. The strategy that McCain tried to employ throughout the campaign was to undermine his opponent by questioning his youth and inexperience, while the tactic he employed in this situation was to verbalize this point during a debate on the Iraq war. He was ultimately unsuccessful at both, but that’s besides the point.


By |2014-04-21T15:02:29-07:00September 3rd, 2013|Strategy|0 Comments

The Most Effective Way to Grow your Online Business

When I was at my last “real” job, my boss used to tell me that as a business owner his duty was to continuously improve the business by trying new things. Growing a business is a constant cycle of refining your processes until you ultimately end up with a finely-tuned formula for success. It’s a simple philosophy but it works.

Here’s the problem. Although most people will agree with that approach, it’s really hard to stick with in real life.


By |2014-04-21T15:02:50-07:00August 10th, 2013|Strategy|0 Comments
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