What Fiction Can Teach You About An Effective Customer Journey 

How do we grab attention?

Does a simplified list of product/service features compel users? Or does an entertaining recounting of a brand’s mission and the difficulties they (and by extension their customers) have overcome draw in more users?

Pretty stupid question right?

Escaping the drudgery of corporate speak has quickly become a prominent goal for the modern marketer. People don’t remember that a product does X, Y, and Z. What they will remember is an entertaining, compelling story.

This change toward a storytelling approach to marketing is predicted to cause the loss of one million B2B sales jobs in coming years. The hard sell is dying. Content marketing s the new rockstar in the marketing world, and nothing keeps your customer interested more than a good old fashioned story.  (more…)

By |2015-11-16T22:01:13-08:00November 17th, 2015|Digital Marketing|2 Comments

The Psychology of Persuasion: 5 Key Things Marketers Forget

You want to make your best case why people should buy your products or services …

You also don’t want to come off like an overly aggressive lawyer or door-to-door salesperson.

Striking the perfect balance between compelling and not too pushy will shoot your conversions through the roof. But finding that persuasion “sweet spot” can be challenging for even seasoned marketers.

Marketing tactics help you organize your actions to produce concrete results: visitors, customers, and sales. Cutting deeper to the principles helps you understand why certain tactics are effective. With a solid grounding in the psychology of persuasion, you can create your own strategies to best suit your niche and specific offers.

Most of us are familiar with persuasion fundamentals if we’ve been in the game long enough. But there are other tactics – tactics your competitors aren’t thinking about – that can help you gain an edge.

Keep reading to find out how.


By |2015-11-05T11:11:19-08:00November 5th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

How to Create Engaging Content for Any Business

Frustrating, isn’t it?

You’ve followed all the advice, have a sales funnel you’ve optimized the hell out of and yet see next to no real gains in revenue.

It’s enough to make you want to throw in the towel.

You’ve taken all the right steps, so what’s missing?

Well, the problem could have a number of different causes. But if your funnel is as well optimized as can be, the problem is most likely going to be with your traffic levels.

This isn’t Field of Dreams. Building a kick ass funnel doesn’t ensure sales success. It’s only one part of the larger equation. For your sales funnel to be effective, you need to be directing traffic to it.

There are plenty of options on how best to do this, PPC, Social Media, and SEO optimization are three of the most favored options. However, today I want to talk about content marketing. Or, more accurately, how to produce some kick ass content that gains views, likes, shares but most importantly, conversions.  (more…)

By |2015-11-03T11:14:18-08:00November 3rd, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

5 Smart Tactics to Increase Your AOV and Revenue

You’re a smart marketer, right?

You know money’s what makes the world go round, and I’m sure you’ve got a few smart tactics to help your business earn a little more.

You probably also know that conversion rate optimization can bring one of the highest ROIs of any form of digital marketing. But a good CRO campaign doesn’t come cheap. There’s a lot of research needed. The costs of finding good copywriters and the ongoing testing fees can make the initial financial outlay quite large.

Whilst I’m a huge advocate of CRO for increasing revenue, I understand that a good campaign relies on a high level of traffic.

Those who have low levels of traffic, and aren’t quite yet at the point where they can afford an expensive traffic-building campaign, can sometimes feel a little lost. Sure you can optimize your pages for current traffic, but is a 5% lift in conversions really going to make the world of difference when you’ve only a handful of prospects?  (more…)

By |2015-09-14T15:28:31-07:00September 15th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

7 Devastating Customer Retention Mistakes (and How to Avoid Them)

Over time, some customer attrition is inevitable. Even if you deliver a stellar customer experience at a remarkable value, sometimes people’s needs and tastes change.

With that said, accepting a high customer attrition rate makes it much harder to grow year after year and stay ahead of your competitors.

Some businesses get so focused on bringing new customers through the door – understandable, seeing as it’s key early on – they never quite get around to plugging up the holes where existing customers are slipping through the cracks.

Low retention brings with it some serious pressure. You have to work hard to constantly make up for lost ground – much less expand your customer base.


By |2015-08-03T14:52:37-07:00August 4th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

5 Drip Campaign Strategies You Can Try Today

Incorporating a drip campaign into your email marketing can help you nurture leads and deliver a better customer experience – all from the convenience of an automated platform.

Setting up a campaign for the first time takes a bit of effort, but it’s pretty straightforward. Ultimately, learning how to do this is just the first stepping stone to better email marketing efforts.

It’s the execution of your campaigns that will determine whether they’re worth the trouble. Autoresponders offer plenty of flexibility. There are tons of different types of email campaigns you can use to grow your business.

That brings us to a dilemma many marketers face: they get all excited about the potential of drip campaigns, but the sheer number of available options keeps them from ever getting started.

drip campaign

Photo Credit: denharsh via Compfight cc


By |2015-07-28T10:02:50-07:00July 28th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

Three Steps to a Killer Customer Retention Strategy

What’s more important to you?

Attracting new leads or focusing on your existing customer base?

Both are viable tactics for helping to grow you business and both have their pros and cons. But which of them is the overall winner when it comes to turning a profit? Here’s a quick run down of the primary arguments for each.

  1. Continually attracting new prospects provides more sales opportunities.
  2. Focusing on increasing value and making the most out of your existing audience often brings higher conversions.

It’s basically a choice between growing a large audience with a low rate of conversion or having a smaller audience who are far more likely to convert.

Now whilst I’m a firm believer that there are no 100% guaranteed success strategies that apply to every single business, there’s a pretty clear winner with retention vs acquisition.  (more…)

By |2015-07-02T13:59:53-07:00July 6th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

9 Call Tracking Case Studies You Need to Read

Even with all of today’s new technologies and marketing tools, the telephone continues to play a huge role in lead generation and conversion.

BIA Kelsey reported that 66% of sales managers view the telephone as their highestquality lead source. And closing sales over the phone only becomes even more important if you’re selling expensive, complicated products or services in a B2B niche.

So interaction with a sales team over the phone is an essential component of building most businesses…

But until recently, these key interactions created an information gap. It was next to impossible for marketers to connect phone calls to specific marketing efforts or get a handle on their true ROI.

Call tracking helps fill that gap by attributing your phone leads to different marketing efforts, making it easier to allocate your marketing budget for the most impact.

That sounds great in theory. But you might be wondering how companies are using it in the real world.


By |2015-06-15T14:23:54-07:00June 16th, 2015|Digital Marketing|3 Comments

Increase Your Sales with a Killer Email Autoresponder

The money is in the list, right?

It’s a saying we’ve all heard and know to be true.

But creating a consistent stream of email only content is something the majority of busy marketers don’t have time for. You could outsource your email content creation, but that’s going to cost money with no guarantee of a return.

So what’s the solution to get your awesome product or killer insights in front of your prospects without spending vast amounts of time?

The solution is one of the most underused and often poorly implemented marketing methods: the email autoresponder.


By |2015-06-02T11:56:24-07:00June 2nd, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments

Which Digital Marketing Method is Best for Driving Traffic?

Every company, from the fresh solopreneur to the long established multinational, understands the need for high levels of online traffic.

The internet has become the first stop on a consumer’s journey to finding the right product. Savvy marketers understand this and the need for attracting as much traffic as possible. After all, you can’t run accurate A/B tests or optimize your materials if you don’t have the traffic to understand a trend.

But there’s one big problem. Which method of online marketing brings the highest levels of traffic?

You’ve read about the business built through PPC advertising, the social media queen who gets a hundred thousand visitors from Facebook and Twitter, and the startup who grew their audience with a slew of targeted guest posts.

Where do you start?

If you follow all of their advice, you’ll stretch yourself too thin and make little to no progress. So what should you do?

In the words of Ron Swanson, “Never half-ass two things, whole-ass one thing.” Choose one method, focus all of your attention and time on it, and you’ll see greater gains and higher profits.

The only question left is which method is going to be best for you. There’s no one size fits all, and you’re going to have to make the selection based on your individual needs.

With that in mind, here’s a quick breakdown of four popular traffic driving techniques with a focus on what businesses they’re best suited for.


By |2015-06-02T11:24:15-07:00April 28th, 2015|Digital Marketing|0 Comments
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