How the Stanford D.School Methodology can Improve your Conversion Rate

Stanford’s D.School is known as a hotbed of creative innovation, teaching professionals from all fields how to innovate efficiently in ways that will resonate with users. It’s known as a proponent of qualitative methods for making the best products.

CRO is widely viewed as a process of applying experimentation, in statistically significant test sizes, to select the best layout, elements, graphics, and copy to get your viewers to do what you want them to, and relies heavily on quantitative data.

So how can applying the D.School’s qualitiative methodology boost your quantitative conversion rate?


By |2014-04-21T14:50:51-07:00March 13th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How to Increase Mobile Website Conversions

You’ve seen the numbers. Mobile browsing is growing at a breathtaking rate and over 1.2 billion people regularly access the web from their mobile devices instead of desktop machines. These numbers mean that you can’t afford to lose such a large potential visitor base due to lagging tech adaptation.

And if you’ve developed a mobile friendly version of your site or are using responsive design, your fundamental goal as an online business will be the same: to maximize your conversion rates. They are at least as important as high traffic numbers and a well optimized conversion rate can make even a site with low numbers of incoming visits into a powerful sales system.

Let’s take a look at some steps you can take to make sure that as many as possible of the people who visit your site from their mobile phones turn into active fans and buyers.


By |2014-04-22T11:08:59-07:00February 26th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|3 Comments

8 Ways to Increase Paid Subscription Conversion Rates

The conversion process from visitor to paying subscriber or member can be long and complex and often has a high churn rate. After all, credit card information is much more valuable than an email address or time spent browsing.

To get more paid subscribers, you need 2 things: more visitors and less friction to buying. Here are 8 ways to achieve those objectives and ultimately increase your paid subscription conversion rate.


By |2014-04-21T14:54:54-07:00January 28th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|5 Comments

CRO Mentoring on AirPair

We often run into marketers and technologists on the web who aren’t ready for a long term Conversion Rate Optimization project, but need a little quick help with their UX, Analytics, or A/B Testing. For that very reason I’m very excited to be featured as a CRO expert on AirPair.

For those unfamiliar with the company, AirPair is a really cool San Francisco startup which helps pair anyone with technology experts for one-on-one coaching and consultation via video chat and screen sharing. It’s an online version of a tactic with roots in agile software development known as pair-programming. The concept of pair programming is that two developers work side by side on a problem, one actually writing the code while the other reviews and assists. Perhaps counterintuitively in many cases this approach actually increases overall productivity since there’s an immediate feedback loop on bugs (most software development time is spent debugging code) as well as a continuous peer learning process.

I feel strongly that the same concept can be applied to many of the day-to-day online marketing tasks that we all face, which is why I was very excited when Maksim Ioffe (AirPair co-founder) extended an invitation to join their network. We’re all working on very similar problems, and if I can help share any of the knowledge that I’ve gained towards helping with your CRO efforts please find me on AirPair.

And of course if you’re looking help with anything else technology related check out the AirPair blog.

By |2014-04-21T14:56:15-07:00January 14th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

6 Infomercial Tactics To Boost Landing Page Conversions

If you’ve ever struggled with insomnia, you don’t have to spend much time watching late-night TV to see your fair share of infomercials.

That’s when they come out of the woodwork. Products like “The Magic Bullet” make regular appearances. And I bet you’ve seen Tony Horton’s smiling face pedaling the P-90X workout program.

Let’s face it: infomercials are loud, cheesy, and sometimes abrasive. To a lot of marketers online, they seem like relics technology has left behind.

Surely the tactics used in infomercials don’t have a place in your landing pages…

Or do they?


By |2014-04-21T14:56:40-07:00January 8th, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|1 Comment

The Top 7 Conversion Optimization Trends of 2014

According to a study by eMarketer, conversion optimization is a top priority for many businesses. Between 2012 and 2013, the percentage of businesses naming conversions as their number one priority rose from 34 to 39%. I anticipate that we’ll continue to see similar growth in the year ahead. Yet conversion optimization is quickly becoming a more sophisticated discipline. Better technologies and testing methodologies are evolving every day, which allow us to gather more data on any subject than we could ever use. 2014 will be the year where conversion optimization becomes imbedded in the DNA of companies, where it connects meaningfully with trends in the content marketing and mobile spaces, and when companies get ahead through structured testing and lean analysis. Here’s a closer look at what trends I expect to see in conversion optimization in 2014.


By |2014-04-21T14:57:23-07:00January 1st, 2014|Conversion Rate Optimization|4 Comments

15 Ways to Get More Form Conversions

Opt-in, contact, lead gen, checkout–these forms are crucial to doing business online. Because they have direct impact on your revenue and marketing ability, you want as many visitors to complete these forms as possible.

Use this list of tips to help you boost conversions for your forms and get more subscribers, leads, and customers.


By |2014-04-21T14:58:50-07:00December 10th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How to Increase Sales with the Right Testimonials

It pays to sharpen your sales and marketing skills online.

These skills help you present your product or service to prospects in a way that persuades them to act. They let you paint a picture of just how different (and better) people’s lives would be if they bought what you’re selling.

But there’s something that not even the sharpest sales and marketing skills in the world can compete with in terms of raw persuasive power: testimonials from satisfied customers.


By |2014-04-21T14:59:01-07:00December 5th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

How Responsive Design Can Boost Mobile Conversions

Do you have a mobile problem?

Maybe you’re getting plenty of mobile traffic, but a look at your analytics shows low time-on-page and high bounce/exit rates from mobile users.

Or maybe your mobile traffic sticks around, but conversion rate is abysmally low–and you’re not sure why.

With the mobile market growing at an astounding rate, what might look like a small problem at first can quickly snowball into something much worse. On the flipside, if you can address a mobile problem while it’s still small, the payoff can grow exponentially too.


By |2014-04-21T14:59:14-07:00December 3rd, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments

The One Metric That Smart Investors Are Obsessed with. And You Should Be Too.

I recently came across an insanely great article by Bill Gurley of Benchmark Capital – Conversion: The Most Important Internet Metric of All. In it he asserts that when considering the tradeoff between customer acquisition and customer optimization, the latter should be the obsession of startup and high-growth Internet firms seeking a competitive advantage. An obsession with conversion rate can bring tremendous economic advantage, and in his words:

improving conversion, even a little bit, can produce insane economic leverage for your business.

Another very successful entrepeneur and investor that I highly respect once told me that if I should show conversion metrics demonstrably improving over time. Do that, he said, and investors would be beating a path to our door, checkbooks in hand.

That’s an enviable position to be in, but the last thing that entrepeneurs want to do is drum up artificial numbers for the monthly board meeting to placate investors. If you’re running an online business, the Conversion Rate should be an obsession of yours as well, and here’s why.


By |2014-04-21T15:00:19-07:00November 7th, 2013|Conversion Rate Optimization|0 Comments
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