
FunnelEnvy for Marketo

FunnelEnvy’s AI-based Platform Automates 1:1 Experiences

  • More Valuable Outcomes – Optimize account and individual KPIs all the way down funnel.

  • Faster Results – A predictive approach that delivers the best experience for each individual in real-time.

  • Full Automation – Machine Learning that handles the data-crunching and gets smarter over time.

We’re trusted by leading marketers at

The End of A/B Testing for B2B

Having run thousands of A/B tests we realized that it just wasn’t working well for B2B marketers. Too much effort, not enough impact on relevant KPIs. And existing “personalization” platforms just compound the problem with tedious rules-based segments.

So we completely reimagined what an optimization solution for B2B should do. Our platform automates the manual analysis & learning, optimizes for onsite and down-funnel metrics and delivers experiences on a 1:1 basis.

Real-time 1:1 Optimization

FunnelEnvy activates your existing data sources to build a Unified Customer Profile which includes account, individual and behavioral data. This context lets us predict the optimal variation for each individual visitor, generating better results in less time than randomized experimentation.

Created with Sketch. Unified Customer Profile Individual Data EG: Job Title, Department Account Data EG: Industry Behavoral Data EG: Website Interactions Historical Data Past Experiment Results
Created with Sketch. time traffic allocation B C A

Automated Decisions & Learning

Eliminate tedious analysis and optimize for website and down funnel goals (MQL, SQL, pipeline and revenue).

FunnelEnvy observes what happens onsite and deep in your marketing funnel and uses machine learning to improve individual predictions over time.

Down Funnel Conversions

Influence more than basic on-site conversions like form fills. With FunnelEnvy, you can optimize your website to increase KPIs like MQLs, Pipeline and Revenue.

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Let’s deliver better experiences to your most valuable customers

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